Services & Support > Custom Part Manufacturing Quote
Custom Seal Manufacturing Request | Allegheny York
Are you in need of a custom machined or molded component?
Our design & engineering experts can assist you through the entire process utilizing our Rapid Prototyping Technology and partnership with Konsep Manufacturing. Our combined capabilities are sure to meet and exceed your needs!

We have over 100 profiles available and an extensive inventory of various materials to chose from. A detailed rendering & quotation will be provided prior to fabrication to ensure your satisfaction. Please utilize the Profeil Selection chart below to determine the closest profile match and select your material(s). If your project requires a material not listed, we will make alternative suggestions or order the preferred material.
Contact us for questions regarding your request.     800-258-3851

Click on the images to zoom in on the profile & material charts or download the full PDF with the button above to obtain the codes for entry.
Material Selection Guide

Actual gland dimensions are preferred for maximum accuracy. If gland dimensions are not supplied, we will manufacture your component to the nominal part dimensions, which is solely dependent upon your accuracy.